My FestPAC 2024 Experience – Written in English and Tongan

As I reflect on my experience at the 13th Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture (FestPAC), I am filled with a sense of awe, gratitude, and pride. This spectacular celebration of Pacific Island cultures’ arts and crafts was more than just a festival – it was a journey of connection, inspiration, and growth that reminded me of the power and beauty of our collective heritage. Growing up in Tonga, the last remaining monarchy in the Pacific Islands, I often took for granted the rich traditions and customs that have been passed down through generations. But as I connected with fellow Pasifika at FestPAC, I came to a great realization that our experiences, though diverse, are woven together by a shared thread – resilience.

We Pasifika are not just survivors; we are thrivers. We have navigated the challenges of colonization, migration, and cultural erosion, yet our identities remain strong. As I engaged with incredible individuals from across Oceania, I was inspired by their stories, resilience, and passion for preserving their cultures. I realized that Tonga’s unique history as the only Pacific Island nation never to have been formally colonized can sometimes lead us to believe that we are isolated from the impacts of colonialism. However, this could not be further from the truth. As Pacific Islanders, we are inextricably linked across our vast ocean, and the effects of colonialism have undoubtedly rippled throughout our communities. The struggles and triumphs of our Pacific neighbors are our own, and we must recognize and honor this shared history.

The panel discussions were a highlight, as we delved into topics that resonated deeply with me – regenerating Oceania, defining a healthier Pacific, and empowering women in leadership. I was struck by the wisdom, knowledge, and dedication of the speakers and panelists, and was reminded that we are stronger together and that our cultures are not just a collection of customs but a way of life that is deeply rooted in our connection to the land, our ancestors, and each other. The performances were breathtaking, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of our Pacific nations. The Pacific Arts and Crafts villages were equally impressive, displaying the creativity and unmatched skills of our people. I was amazed by the beauty and diversity of our cultures, and the incredible talent that lies within our communities.

At the end of FestPAC, I felt a sense of pride and hope for the future of our Pacific Island communities. I knew I was part of a larger movement dedicated to preserving our cultures, protecting our environment, and empowering our communities. It is my wish that as we celebrate our cultural heritage and identities, may we also acknowledge the complex and often painful history that has shaped our Pasifika region. I hope that my experience at FestPac will inspire and motivate others to embrace their Pacific Island heritage, to connect with their communities, and to become leaders and advocates for positive change. Let us celebrate our diversity, let us honor our cultures, and let us work together to build a brighter future for ourselves and for generations to come.

ʻI heʻeku fakakaukau atu ki heʻeku aʻusia ʻi he kātoanga hono 13 ʻo e ʻAati mo e Anga Fakafonua ʻo e Pasifikí (FestPAC), ʻoku fonu mo’oni hoku loto he ongoʻi mālū, houngaʻia, mo e pōlepole. Ko ha kātoanga faka’ofo’ofa ki hono pātoloaki e ngaahi ngāue fakamea’a mo e ngaahi anga fakafonua ‘o e ‘Otu Motu Pasifikí. Na’e mahulu hake ia ‘i ha kātoanga pē – ko ha katoanga ‘o e fehokotaki, ue’i fakalaumālie, mo e tupulaki ‘a ia na’á ne fakamanatu mai ‘a e mālohi mo e faka’ofo’ofa ‘o ‘etau tukufakaholo fakatahatahá. ʻI heʻeku tupu hake ʻi Tongá, ko e puleʻanga fakatuʻi fakamuimui taha ia ʻoku kei toe ʻi he ʻOtu Motu Pasifikí, naʻá ku faʻa toʻo maʻamaʻa ʻa e ngaahi tala tukufakaholo mo e ngaahi tōʻonga fakakoloa kuo tuku’au mai ʻi he ngaahi toʻutangata lahi. Ka ‘i he’eku kau atu ‘o feohi mo e kaungā Pasifika ‘i he FestPAC, na’a ku lava ke fakatokanga’i ko ‘etau ngaahi a’usia, neongo ‘oku kehekehe, ‘oku lalanga fakataha ia ‘e ha afo ‘oku makehe – ko hotau loto vilitaki.

Ko kitautolu Pasifika, kuo tau folau ʻi ha ngaahi pole ʻo e fakakoloniá, hikifonuá, mo e hōloa ʻo e anga fakafonuá, ka ʻoku kei mālohi pē hotau ngaahi ʻulungāngá. ʻI heʻeku fetuʻutaki mo ha niʻihi fakafoʻituitui mei he tafaʻaki ʻe taha ʻo ʻOseniá, naʻe ueʻi au ʻe heʻenau ngaahi talanoá, loto-toʻá, mo ʻenau vilitaki ke tauhi ʻenau ngaahi anga fakafonuá. Na’a ku ‘ilo’i ko e hisitōlia makehe ‘o Tonga ko e pule’anga pē ‘e taha ‘i he ‘Otu Motu Pasifiki na’e te’eki ke fakakolonia fakafo’ituitui, ‘e lava ke ne ‘ai kitautolu ‘i he taimi ‘e ni’ihi ke tau tui ‘oku tau mavahe mei he ngaahi uesia ‘o e fakakolonia. Kae kehe, ‘oku ‘ikai lava ke toe mama‘o ange ‘eni mei he mo‘oní. ‘I he‘etau hoko ko e kakai ‘o e ‘Otu Motu Pasifikí, ‘oku tau fehokotaki ta‘emavahevahe ‘i he tafa‘aki ‘e taha ‘o hotau ‘oseni lahí, pea ‘oku ‘ikai veiveiua ‘a e mafola atu ‘a e ngaahi ola ‘o e pule fakakoloniá ‘i hotau ngaahi komiunitií kotoa. Ko e ngaahi a’usia mo e ikuna ‘a hotau ngaahi kaunga’api ‘o e Pasifiki, ko kitautolu kotoa ia, pea kuo pau ke tau ‘ilo’i mo faka’apa’apa’i ‘a e hisitolia ‘oku tau fevahevahe’aki ko ‘eni.

‘I he ngaahi fealea’aki faka-penolo ne fakahoko, na’a ku mahu’inga’ia hono fakatotolo’i ‘a e ngaahi kaveinga na’e ongo loloto kiate au – ko hono fakafo’ou ‘o ‘Oseni, fa’ūtaha ha Pasifiki mo’ui lelei ange, pea fakaivia e kakai fefine ‘i he tu’unga fakataki. Na’a ku ‘ohovale ‘i he poto, ‘ilo, mo e māteaki ‘a e kau Pasifika, pea na’e fakamanatu mai ‘oku tau malohi ange fakataha pea ko ‘etau ngaahi anga fakafonua ‘oku ‘ikai ko ha tanaki’anga pe ‘o e ngaahi anga fakafonua ka ko e founga mo’ui ‘oku aka loloto ‘i he’etau fehokotaki mo e fonua, ʻetau ngaahi kuí, mo e taha kotoa pe he ‘Otu Motu Pasifiki. Na’e fakaofo ‘a e ngaahi faka’ali’ali, ‘o fakahaa’i ai ‘a e tukufakaholo fakafonua koloa’ia ‘o hotau ngaahi pule’anga ‘o e Pasifiki. Na’e fakaofo tatau pe ‘a e ngaahi koloa ‘Aati mo e Ngaahi Faiva mo e faka’ali’ali kotoa pe, ‘o fakahaa’i ai ‘a e taukei ta’ehanotatau ‘a hotau kakai. Naʻá ku ofo ʻi he fakaʻofoʻofa mo e kehekehe ʻo ʻetau ngaahi anga fakafonuá, pea mo e talēniti taʻealafakaʻatuʻi ʻoku ʻi loto ʻi hotau ngaahi komiunitií.

‘I he ‘osi ‘a e FestPAC, na’a ku ongo’i ai ‘a e polepole mo e ‘amanaki ki he kaha’u ‘o hotau ngaahi komiuniti ‘i he ‘Otu Pasifiki. Naʻá ku ʻiloʻi ko ha konga au ʻo ha ngaʻunu lahi ange ʻoku fakataumuʻa ki hono tauhi ʻetau ngaahi anga fakafonuá, maluʻi hotau ʻātakaí, mo fakaivia hotau ngaahi koló. Ko ʻeku fakaʻamu ʻi heʻetau kātoangaʻi hotau tukufakaholo fakafonuá mo hotau ʻulungāngá, ke tau toe fakatokangaʻi foki ʻa e hisitōlia fihi mo faʻa fakamamahi ʻa ia kuó ne faʻu hotau vahefonua Pasifika. ‘Oku ou ‘amanaki ‘e ue’i mo fakalotolahi’i ‘e he’eku a’usia ‘i he FestPAC ha ni’ihi kehe ke nau tali honau tukufakaholo ‘i he ‘Otu Motu Pasifiki, fakafehokotaki mo honau ngaahi komiuniti, pea ke nau hoko ko e kau taki mo e kau taukave ki he liliu lelei. Tau fakafiefia’i ‘etau kehekehe, tau faka’apa’apa’i ‘etau ngaahi anga fakafonua, pea tau ngaue fakataha ke langa hake ha kaha’u lelei ange ma’atautolu pea mo e ngaahi to’utangata ka hoko mai.

Falahola Kanongataa

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