Resource Directory for AANHPI Behavioral Health
Below is a collection of culturally and linguistically appropriate resources for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders to include: community based organizations, websites, articles, and information in behavioral health.
As a resource center, the AANHPI ‘Ohana Center of Excellence provides access to resources and information on this website. Inclusion in an AANHPI CoE resource database does not imply endorsement of, or agreement with, the contents by AANHPI CoE.
In addition, we recognize that this resource collection may not be exhaustive, and users are advised not to rely solely on it. The AANHPI ‘Ohana Center of Excellence does not claim to be the authority on any resources we provide, and we highly recommend consulting with elders, community leaders, or helping professionals who are knowledgeable about AANHPI cultures and experiences to ensure alignment with specific ethnic or cultural needs when seeking resources.
Would you like to add to the resource directory? Please complete this form to submit a request.
Articles & Reserach
2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) Releases
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Acceptance by Peers Reduced Risk of Suicide Attempts among API LGBTQ Youth, Report Finds
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Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) - Chartbook on Healthcare for Asians and Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders
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Asian Americans’ Parent–Child Conflict and Racial Discrimination May Explain Mental Distress
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Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence - Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence, and Human Trafficking in Native Hawaiian Communities - Report
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ASSOCIATION OF STATE AND TERRITORIAL HEALTH OFFICIALS (ASTHO) - Building an Island Health Equity Framework for the Future - Article
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Barriers to Substance Use Disorder Treatment for Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders
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Barriers to Substance Use Disorder Treatment for Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders - Article [2015]
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Brain Hijack: Science to Practice in Suicide Prevention - Podcast
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Celebrating Lā Kūʻokoʻa, Independence Day
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Conceptualizing a New System of Care in Hawai‘i for Native Hawaiians and Substance Use - Report [2022]
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Conceptualizing a New System of Care in Hawai’i for Native Hawaiians and Substance Use - Article [2022]
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Concerns about Suicide among Asian Americans: The Need for Outreach?
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Considering culture in evacuation planning and consequence management by Wayne P. Bergeron, MS, DSc
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Cultural Competency in Disaster Recovery: Lessons Learned from the Hurricane Katrina Experience for Better Serving Marginalized Communities by Jennifer Seidenberg
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Data Equity and Multiracial and Multiethnic Communities
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Department of Native Hawaiian Health - Assessment and Priorities for the Health and Well-Being in Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders [2020]
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Destigmatizing Mental Health - Asian American Pacific Islander Communities
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Destigmatizing Mental Health in Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities - Article 2019
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Education Policies Need To Address the Unique Needs of Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities
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Emergency Preparedness for Older Adults: Stay Prepared, Stay Safe
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E Ola Mau - The Native Hawaiian Health Needs Study [2016]
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Every Life Matters - He Tapu te Oranga o ia tangata: Suicide Prevention Strategy 2019–2029 and Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2019–2024 for Aotearoa New Zealand
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Examining the Etiology of Asian American Suicide in the United States
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Fighting Stigma - Mental Health Among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
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Growing Kalo (Taro) in the Continental United States
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Hawai'i Health Data
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Hawaiʻi State Department of Health Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division State Plan - [2023]
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Health Care Disparities Among Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Other Pacific Islander (NHOPI) People - Article
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Health Conditions and Behaviors of Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Persons in the United States, Report [2014]
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Hidden histories of Asians and Pacific Islanders unearthed
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Hidden Voices: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in United States History
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Honoring Inágofli’e’ and Alofa: Developing a Culturally Grounded Health Promotion Model for Queer and Transgender Pacific Islanders
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Human Rights Campaign, Coming Out: Living Authentically as LGBTQ+ Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders
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Identity and Cultural Dimensions - Asian American and Pacific Islander - Article
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Improving Cultural Competency for Behavioral Health Professionals
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Mental Health America: Asian American / Pacific Islander Communities and Mental Health
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Mental Health and Asian American and Native Hawiian and Pacific Islander Youth: The Harmful Effects of Sterotypes
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Mental Health Talanoa (MHT) Research and Resources: Collaborative Community Engagement Enhancing Mental Health and Wellbeing Across Pacific Communities
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National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) - Understanding Child Suicide: For Military Parents
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Native Hawaiians At-Risk of Intimate Partner Violence During COVID-19 - 2020 Report
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New York University (NYU) - Health Atlas - a tool to compare AA and NH&PI health disparities in regional communities using local and national datasets
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NSDUH Data Spotlight: Health Disparities among the Asian Population
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Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) - Kānehō‘ālani: Transforming the Health of Native Hawaiian Men - Report
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SAMHSA - Advancing Best Practices in Behavioral Health for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Boys and Men - Report 2017
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State-Level Anti-Asian Hate Crimes and Mental Health among Asian and Other Racial Groups in the US
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Suicidal behavior among Korean American: Cultural factors and implications for intervention
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Suicide Among Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Veterans: Rates and Methods, 2005–2019
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Suicide in Colorado Complex Issues in a Diverse State
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Suicide Risk among Pacific Islander, American Indian, and Multiracial Youth
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Taking Care of You: Self-Care for Family Caregivers
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Temporal Trends and Disparities in Suicidal Behaviors by Sex and Sexual Identity Among Asian American Adolescents
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The Gender Unicorn
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The Importance of Gender Affirming Care for Transgender and Gender Expansive Youth
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The Urgent Need to Address Youth Mental Health
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Timeline: A history of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Philadelphia
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Understanding the Impact of ACEs in the South Asian Community
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Understanding the impact of community on the experience of suicide within the Lao community: An expansion of the cultural model of suicide.
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Using Native Hawaiian Culture to Address Violence Against Women - Educational Article
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Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data Summary & Trends Report: 2011-2021
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Community Organizations
'Umeke - Hawai‘i Resource
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American Cancer Society
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American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
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American Public Health Association (APHA) - For science, for action, for health
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APALA = Asian Pacific American Librarians Association
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Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum
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Asian/Pacific Islander Domestic Violence Resource Project (DVRP)
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Asian American Center of Frederick (AACFMD)
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Asian American Community Services - Serving the needs of Asian, Asian American and Pacific Islanders in Central Ohio.
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Asian and Pacific Islanders for LGBT Equality – Los Angeles
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Asian Pacific Community Counseling
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Asian Pacific Community in Action - Arizona
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Asian Pacific Islander Queer Women & Transgender Community
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Asian Pacific Islander Queer Women and Transgender Community
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Asian Pride Project
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Association of Asian Indian Women in Ohio - organization that is committed to helping women in need - Serves Asian Indian women in need in Ohio - website
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Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO)
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Aurora Mental Health & Recovery (AMHR)’s Cultural Development & Wellness Center Behavioral Health and Wellness services
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CCACC Mental Health Services
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Center for Southeast Asians (CSEA) - provides family, social and educational services for the community - Rhode Island Resident Resource
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Chinese American Librarians Association
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Chinese Community Center of New Jersey (CCCNJ)
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Community Health For Asian Americans
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Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement
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Domestic Violence Action Center - Ho‘oikaika ‘Ohana
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Gregory House Programs
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Hawaii LGBT Legacy Foundation
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HIT Wellness
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Honolulu Gay & Lesbian Cultural Foundation
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Ho’ōla Nā Pua (New Life for Our Children)
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Indigenous Wellness Research Institute National Center of Excellence
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Institute for Diversity and Inclusion in Emergency Management
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Island Liaison, Inc. - A resource for Pacific Islanders in Arizona
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Korean American Family Service Center
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Lili‘uokalani Trust
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Livestrong - Resources for those impacted by Cancer
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Mango Tree Counseling and Consulting
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Mental Health America
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Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities
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Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network
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Midwest Asian Health Association
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Minnesota Public Health Association
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Mustard Seed Generation
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Māpuna Lab
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National Asian American / Pacific Islander American Chamber of Commerce and Entrepreneurship
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National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association (NAAPIMHA)
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National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse (NAPAFASA)
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National Association of Community Health Centers (NAOCHC)
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National Association of Social Workers - Hawai'i Chapter
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National Council for Mental Wellbeing
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National Indigenous Women's Resource Center
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National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
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National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance (NQAPIA)
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Native Land Digital
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NICOS Chinese Health Coalition
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North Dakota Asian-American Arts and Cultural Initiative
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NTAS 30th Anniversary Gala
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Ohio Asian American Health Coalition - Resource directory of Asian American residents in Ohio
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Opioid Response Network - training and technical assistance (TA)
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Pacific Behavioral Health Collaboration Council (PBHCC)
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Pacific Islander and Asian Family Cente
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Pacific Islander Health Board of Washington
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Pacific Islands Primary Care Association (PIPCA)
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Papa Ola Lōkahi
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Payu-ta, “Our Umbrella” in Guam’s native language CHamoru, is Guam’s umbrella association of non-governmental organizations.
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Pouhana O Na Wahine
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Prevent Suicide Hawai‘i Taskforce
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Project Lotus - advances the movement for Asian Americans to be able to discuss, care for, and advocate mental health freely, without shame or stigma.
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Rainbow Family 808
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SMI Adviser
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South Asian Public Health Association
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South Asian Sexual and Mental Health Alliance (SASMHA)
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Stop AAPI Hate
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The AAPI Nonprofit Database
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The Asian American Pacific Islander Commission
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The Queen Center
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The Utah Pacific Islander Health Coalition
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The Visibility Project
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Union of Pan Asian Communities (UPAC) - Resources for San Diego, California Residents
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Upper Manhattan Asian American Alliance
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Utopia Washington - Mapu Maia Clinic
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Vietnamese American Community Center of the East Bay (VACCEB)
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We Are Oceania (WAO)
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Women Of Color Network (WOCN) - Resource for advocatinig to fight violence against ALL women
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Culturally Centered
'Umeke - Hawai‘i Resource
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10 Ways to Celebrate Filipino American History Month
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Chinese Community Center of New Jersey (CCCNJ)
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Conceptualizing a New System of Care in Hawai’i for Native Hawaiians and Substance Use - Article [2022]
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Cultural Development & Wellness Center
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Culturally Competent and Trauma-Informed Crisis Management
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Domestic Violence Action Center - Ho‘oikaika ‘Ohana
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E Hui Ana Nā Moku (The islands Shall Unite) A harm reduction toolkit for Native Hawaiian Communities (video)
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E Hui Ana Nā Moku - A resource guide for harm reduction in Native Hawaiian Communities - Resource [2022]
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Embedding Indigenous Knowledges and Cultural Safety in Social Work Curricula
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Growing Kalo (Taro) in the Continental United States
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Hawai‘inuiākea School of Hawaiian Knowledge
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Hometown Legends
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Hā Kūpuna, the National Resource Center for Native Hawaiian Elders
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Improving Cultural Competency for Behavioral Health Professionals
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Institute for Diversity and Inclusion in Emergency Management
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Japanese Community Youth Council
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Kānaenae Together
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Kīpuka - Native Hawaiian Student Center - UH Hilo
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Kūkulu Kumuhana Mauli Ola
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Lili‘uokalani Trust
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Mālama Project
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Māpuna Lab
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Native Land Digital
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NICOS Chinese Health Coalition
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No Ka Māhūi Toolkit
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Papa Ola Lōkahi
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Papa Ola Lōkahi - Ahupua‘a Model
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Papa Ola Lōkahi: Recovery and Substance Use Training Series
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San Francisco Community Health Center
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Therapists & Healers for Filipino/a/x People
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Using Native Hawaiian Culture to Address Violence Against Women - Educational Article
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ʻUlu State Disaster Response Cultural Training
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Disaster Response
Considering culture in evacuation planning and consequence management by Wayne P. Bergeron, MS, DSc
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Cultural Competency in Disaster Recovery: Lessons Learned from the Hurricane Katrina Experience for Better Serving Marginalized Communities by Jennifer Seidenberg
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Tagnawa for Maui
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Domestic Violence
Asian/Pacific Islander Domestic Violence Resource Project (DVRP)
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Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence - Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence, and Human Trafficking in Native Hawaiian Communities - Report
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Asian Women's Shelter
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Association of Asian Indian Women in Ohio - organization that is committed to helping women in need - Serves Asian Indian women in need in Ohio - website
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Domestic Violence Action Center - Ho‘oikaika ‘Ohana
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HIT Wellness
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How to Respond to Disclosures of Domestic Violence (multi-language downloads available)
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Ho’ōla Nā Pua (New Life for Our Children)
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Korean American Family Service Center
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National Domestic Violence Hotline
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National Indigenous Women's Resource Center
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Native Hawaiians At-Risk of Intimate Partner Violence During COVID-19 - 2020 Report
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Pouhana O Na Wahine
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Sakhi for South Asian Women
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South Asian Network
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Using Native Hawaiian Culture to Address Violence Against Women - Educational Article
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Women Of Color Network (WOCN) - Resource for advocatinig to fight violence against ALL women
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2021-2023 SAMSA Behavioral Health by Race and Ethnicity
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Addressing Grief in Children: Tips for Parents and Educators
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Addressing Mental Health and Substance Use Issues Facing LGBTQI+ Communities
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Addressing Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Data Deficiencies Through a Community-based Collaborative Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
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An Application of Two-Eyed Seeing: Indigenous Research Methods With Participatory Action Research
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Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander 2024
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Case Study of Native Hawaiian Kupuna, Chronic Back Pain, and Opioid Use
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Challenges and lessons learned in implementing a community-academic partnership for drug prevention in a Native Hawaiian community
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COVID-19 and Pacific Islander Communities in Hawai‘i
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Cultivating Sacred Kinship to Strengthen Resilience
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Cultural Competence and Cultural Humility A Literature Review for Understanding and Action
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Cultural Humility Versus Cultural Competence: A Critical Distinction in Defining Physician Training Outcomes in Multicultural Education
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Disaggregating Data to Measure Racial Disparities in COVID-19 Outcomes and Guide Community Response — Hawaii, March 1, 2020–February 28, 2021
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E Hui Ana Nā Moku: Harm Reduction Community Resource Guide
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Embedding Indigenous Knowledges and Cultural Safety in Social Work Curricula
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Embracing the sacred: an indigenous framework for tomorrow’s sustainability science
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Evaluating the Puni Ke Ola Intervention Drug Prevention & Intergenerational Healing using Culture-as-Intervention
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Facts & Stats Report, Updated & Expanded 2020 Domestic Violence in Asian & Pacific Islander Homes
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Flexibilities and Best Practices for Implementing the Office of Management and Budget’s 1997 Standards for Maintaining, Collecting, And Presenting Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity
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Health Disparities among the Asian Population
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Helping Children After a Natural Disaster: Tips for Parents and Educators
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How Trauma Can Affect Your Window Of Tolerance
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Indigenous Protocol and Artificial Intelligence
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Intersections of Substance Use Among Public Sectors and Health Disparities Populations: Implications for a System of Care
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Introducing ChatGPT
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Kadōk/ Overdose Jen Opioid (Marshallese)
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Kūkulu Kumuhana Mauli Ola - keiki coloring book to promote Native Hawaiian well-being and harm reduction through cultural practices.
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Micronesians Building Healthier Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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NIMHD Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Framework
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Opioid Overdose (Kosraean)
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Opioid Overdose Guide (English)
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Opioid Overdose Guide for CPR Certified (English)
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Ovedose Wóón Opioid (Chuukese)
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Pilinahā: An Indigenous Framework for Health
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Plan To + Be Ready
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Pākela ʻAi Laʻau ʻOna Opioid (‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i)
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Rise of Anti-Asian American and Pacific Islander Hate: Brief on Historical Trauma in AAPI Communities and How We Got Here
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Ritual + Sustainability Science? A Portal into the Science of Aloha
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SAMHSA’s Working Definition of Recovery
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SAMSHA - Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States
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Talking to Youth About Anti-Asian American and Pacific Islander Hate
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The Impacts of Colonization on ʻAhupuaʻa
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Why cultural safety rather than cultural competency is required to achieve health equity: a literature review and recommended definition
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Government Organizations
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - 988 - 988lifeline.org
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2021-2023 SAMSA Behavioral Health by Race and Ethnicity
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2023 SAMSHA Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States
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American Samoa Department of Human and Social Services (DHSS)
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Centers for Disease Control (CDC) And Prevention
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Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) - Resource site for primary provider of mental and behavioral health services - CNMI Residents
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Department Of Justice (DOJ) Limited English Proficiency - Translation Services
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Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center - Resource Website for Residents
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Hawaii Health & Harm Reduction Center
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National Institute of Health (NIH)
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National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
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Public Health Foundation
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Republic of Palau - Ministry of Health and Human Services - Health Resources for Palauans
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Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) - Ministry of Health and Human services - Health Resources for RMI Residents - Facebook Page
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SAMHSA - Office of Behavioral Health Equity (OBHE): Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders
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State of Hawaii Child & Adolescent Mental Health Division - LGBTQ Safe Spaces
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Hotlines & Call Centers
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - 988 - 988lifeline.org
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Asian LifeNet 24-Hour Hotline
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Disaster Distress Helpline - 800-985-5990 - samhsa.gov/find-help/disaster-distress-helpline
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NAMI - National Alliance on Mental Illness Hotline - (800) 950-6264
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National Domestic Violence Hotline
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The Trevor Project Hotline - (800) 788-7386 - thetrevorproject.org
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TransLifeline - 877-565-8860 - translifeline.org
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Mental Health
50 Free Anti-Racism and Mental Health Resources
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988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - 988 - 988lifeline.org
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2021-2023 SAMSA Behavioral Health by Race and Ethnicity
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2023 SAMSHA Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States
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AANHPI Service Providers in all 50 States
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Addiction & Mental Health Resources for AAPI Communities - Website
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Addressing Mental Health and Substance Use Issues Facing LGBTQI+ Communities
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American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities
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Anna Akana Interview, Advocate on Asian American Mental Health, Suicide Prevention and other mental health issues
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Asian American Federation - Mental Health Directory
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Asian Americans’ Parent–Child Conflict and Racial Discrimination May Explain Mental Distress
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Asian Mental Health Collective - Asian Therapist Directory
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Asian Mental Health Project- Stay In, Check In
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Asian Pacific Community Counseling
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Asians Do Therapy: Reducing Stigma and Increasing Accessibility
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Association Of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO) - Mental Health and Substance Use Resource Guide
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CCACC Mental Health Services
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CHATogether YouTube
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Cultural Development & Wellness Center
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Destigmatizing Mental Health - Asian American Pacific Islander Communities
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Destigmatizing Mental Health in Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities - Article 2019
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Disaster Distress Helpline - 800-985-5990 - samhsa.gov/find-help/disaster-distress-helpline
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Each Mind Matters - Resources for AAPI Communities (multiple language downloads available)
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Fighting Stigma - Mental Health Among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
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Guide for Parents of Asian/Asian American Adolescents to discuss racism, anti-Asian hate, and mental health (Videos in English, Korean, Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Japanese.
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Hawai'i Health Data
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Helping a Loved One Dealing with Mental Health and/or Substance Use Disorders
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Hope Givers - Award Winning PBS Series
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Identity and Cultural Dimensions - Asian American and Pacific Islander - Article
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Intersections, Inc
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Korean American Family Service Center
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Kānaenae Together
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Live Another Day
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Mango Tree Counseling and Consulting
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Mental Health America
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Mental Health America: Asian American / Pacific Islander Communities and Mental Health
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Mental Health and Substance Use Resource Guide - Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations
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Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities
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Mental Health First Aid
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Mental Health Talanoa (MHT) Research and Resources: Collaborative Community Engagement Enhancing Mental Health and Wellbeing Across Pacific Communities
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Mental Health Talanoa - YouTube Channel
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Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network
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Mustard Seed Generation
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NAMI - Family Members and Caregivers
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NAMI - Mental Health Resources For Military Service Members, Veterans And Their Families
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NAMI - National Alliance on Mental Illness Hotline - (800) 950-6264
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NAMI - Resources for Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (multiple language resources)
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National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association (NAAPIMHA)
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National Council for Mental Wellbeing
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National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
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National Institute of Mental Health - Ask Suicide-Screening Questions (ASQ) Toolkit
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National Library of Medicine National Center for Biotechnology Information
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National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance (NQAPIA)
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Pacific Clinics
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Papa Ola Lōkahi
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Project Lotus - advances the movement for Asian Americans to be able to discuss, care for, and advocate mental health freely, without shame or stigma.
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San Francisco Community Health Center
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Shapes and Sounds - Destigmatising mental health in Asian communities
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SMI Adviser
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South Asian Mental Health Initiative & Network
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South Asian Network
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South Asian Sexual and Mental Health Alliance (SASMHA)
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South Asian Therapists - The first global directory of South Asian Therapists
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Straight Up Care
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Stress & Trauma Toolkit - for Treating Asian Americans in a Changing Political and Social Environment
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Subtle Asian Mental Health - Facebook Group
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Sāmoan Wellness Initiative
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Taking Care of You: Self-Care for Family Caregivers
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Therapists & Healers for Filipino/a/x People
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The Urgent Need to Address Youth Mental Health
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Understanding Mental Health Among Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Youth
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Workshop 1 of MI in July: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) & Motivational Interviewing as School Mental Health Providers
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Multi-Language & Translation
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - 988 - 988lifeline.org
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Advancing Equity for AA & NH/PI Communities in COVID-19 Response Efforts: Best Practice Resource Guides (muti-language downloads available)
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Asian American Health Initiative - AAHI Resource Library (multi-language downloads available)
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Asian LifeNet 24-Hour Hotline
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Chinese Community Center of New Jersey (CCCNJ)
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Colorado Language Connection
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Department Of Justice (DOJ) Limited English Proficiency - Translation Services
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Each Mind Matters - Resources for AAPI Communities (multiple language downloads available)
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Guide for Parents of Asian/Asian American Adolescents to discuss racism, anti-Asian hate, and mental health (Videos in English, Korean, Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Japanese.
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How to Respond to Disclosures of Domestic Violence (multi-language downloads available)
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Kadōk/ Overdose Jen Opioid (Marshallese)
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Kadōk/ Overdose Jen Opioid (Marshallese)
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Know the Signs - Suicide prevention awareness (multi-language downloads available)
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Kūkulu Kumuhana Mauli Ola
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Language Magazine
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Malu States on Instagram - @ka_alala
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Mustard Seed Generation
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NAMI - Resources for Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (multiple language resources)
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Opioid Overdose (Kosraean)
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Our Special Island - App
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Ovedose Wóón Opioid (Chuukese)
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Ovedose Wóón Opioid (Chuukese)
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Pacific language news bulletins in Tongan, Sāmoan, Pidgin, French, Cook Islands Maori and Niuean.
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Pākela ʻAi Laʻau ʻOna Opioid (‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i)
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QUEST Medicaid Coverage Renewal - multi-language PSA’s
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State of California, Department of Managed Health Care Health Care - Language Assistance for California Residents
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State of Hawai‘I COVID19 Multilingual Resources
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Resource Guides & Directories
50 Free Anti-Racism and Mental Health Resources
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AANHPI Service Providers in all 50 States
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AAPI Community Counts Dashboard
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Addiction & Mental Health Resources for AAPI Communities - Website
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Advancing Equity for AA & NH/PI Communities in COVID-19 Response Efforts: Best Practice Resource Guides (muti-language downloads available)
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American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) - Suicide Prevention Resources and Toolkit
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American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities
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Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Asian Resource Hub
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Association Of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO) - Mental Health and Substance Use Resource Guide
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Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) - Health Equity Policy Toolkit
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Behavioral Health Support for Families
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Coming Out: Living Authentically as LGBTQ Asian and Pacific Islander Americans by Human Rights Campaign Foundation
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Each Mind Matters - Resources for AAPI Communities (multiple language downloads available)
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E Hui Ana Nā Moku - A resource guide for harm reduction in Native Hawaiian Communities - Resource [2022]
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Fact Sheet: What I wish my teachers understood about me (Asian American students)
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Guide for Parents of Asian/Asian American Adolescents to discuss racism, anti-Asian hate, and mental health (Videos in English, Korean, Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Japanese.
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Harnessing cultural identity as a protective factor in minority mental health: Applications to children and families
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Hawaii Gender & Sexuality Alliance Club directory
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Hawai‘i Health Data Warehouse - Tools and Resources
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Helping a Loved One Dealing with Mental Health and/or Substance Use Disorders
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Homeless and Housing Resource Center (HHRC): Coordinating Systems of Care to Provide a Comprehensive Behavioral Health Crisis Response to Individuals Experiencing Homelessness - Toolkit
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Inclusive Therapists
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International Association for Indigenous Aging (IA2)
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John A. Burns School of Medicine (JABSOM), University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa - Health Sciences Library
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Kaiser Family Foundation
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Mental Health and Substance Use Resource Guide - Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations
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NAMI - Family Members and Caregivers
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NAMI - Mental Health Resources For Military Service Members, Veterans And Their Families
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NAMI - Resources for Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (multiple language resources)
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No Ka Māhūi Toolkit
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Office of Minority Health Knowledge Center
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Resources | HHS.gov
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SAFE Locator: Treatment, Family Support, & Recovery Housing
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SAFE Project
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SAMHSA - Office of Behavioral Health Equity (OBHE): Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders
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South Asian Therapists - The first global directory of South Asian Therapists
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State of Hawaii Sexual and Gender Minority Services Directory
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Stress & Trauma Toolkit - for Treating Asian Americans in a Changing Political and Social Environment
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Suicide Prevention Resource Center: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
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The AAPI Nonprofit Database
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The AAPI Nonprofit Database
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The South Asian Research Hub
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Substance Use
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - 988 - 988lifeline.org
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2021-2023 SAMSA Behavioral Health by Race and Ethnicity
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2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) Releases
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2023 SAMSHA Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United States
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Addiction & Mental Health Resources for AAPI Communities - Website
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American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) - Suicide Prevention Resources and Toolkit
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Association Of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO) - Mental Health and Substance Use Resource Guide
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Barriers to Substance Use Disorder Treatment for Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders - Article [2015]
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Behavioral Health Support for Families
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Conceptualizing a New System of Care in Hawai'i for Native Hawaiians and Substance Use - Webinar [2022]
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Conceptualizing a New System of Care in Hawai‘i for Native Hawaiians and Substance Use - Report [2022]
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Conceptualizing a New System of Care in Hawai’i for Native Hawaiians and Substance Use - Article [2022]
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E Hui Ana Nā Moku (The islands Shall Unite) A harm reduction toolkit for Native Hawaiian Communities (video)
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E Hui Ana Nā Moku - A resource guide for harm reduction in Native Hawaiian Communities - Resource [2022]
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Hawaiʻi State Department of Health Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division State Plan - [2023]
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Helping a Loved One Dealing with Mental Health and/or Substance Use Disorders
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Kadōk/ Overdose Jen Opioid (Marshallese)
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Lilinoe Kauahikaua - Culture practice in Addiction Therapy and Recovery - Podcast
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Mental Health and Substance Use Resource Guide - Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations
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Mālama Project
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National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse (NAPAFASA)
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Opioid Overdose (Kosraean)
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Opioid Overdose Guide (English)
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Opioid Overdose Guide for CPR Certified (English)
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Opioid Response Network - training and technical assistance (TA)
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Ovedose Wóón Opioid (Chuukese)
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Pacific Clinics
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Papa Ola Lōkahi
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Papa Ola Lōkahi: Recovery and Substance Use Training Series
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Prevention Technology Transfer Centers (PTTC)
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Pākela ʻAi Laʻau ʻOna Opioid (‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i)
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Recovery & Substance Use - YouTube Videos
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Recovery Dharma Online (RDO)
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Straight Up Care
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Suicide Prevention
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - 988 - 988lifeline.org
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Acceptance by Peers Reduced Risk of Suicide Attempts among API LGBTQ Youth, Report Finds
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American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) - Suicide Prevention Resources and Toolkit
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American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
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American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities
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Anna Akana Interview, Advocate on Asian American Mental Health, Suicide Prevention and other mental health issues
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Asian American Suicide Prevention & Education
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Asian LifeNet 24-Hour Hotline
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Asian Pacific Community Counseling
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Brain Hijack: Science to Practice in Suicide Prevention - Podcast
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Concerns about Suicide among Asian Americans: The Need for Outreach?
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Creating Effective Suicide Prevention Strategies for the Hmong Community: We Are the Peace We Need. We Are Our Own Solutions
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Disaggregated Suicide Mortality Rates Among Asian American Youths and Young Adults by Ethnic Subgroup
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Empower Pacific 24/7 Counselling Helpline (Fiji)
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Equity for the Massachusetts Coalition for Suicide Prevention (MCSP)
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Every Life Matters - He Tapu te Oranga o ia tangata: Suicide Prevention Strategy 2019–2029 and Suicide Prevention Action Plan 2019–2024 for Aotearoa New Zealand
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Examining the Etiology of Asian American Suicide in the United States
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Focus On Life, GBHWC
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Know the Signs - Suicide prevention awareness (multi-language downloads available)
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National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) - Understanding Child Suicide: For Military Parents
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National Trends in Suicide Among Asian American or Pacific Islander Youth
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Prevent Suicide, Wisconsin: Hmong Community Resources and Information
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Prevent Suicide Hawai‘i Taskforce
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Suicidal behavior among Korean American: Cultural factors and implications for intervention
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Suicide Among Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Veterans: Rates and Methods, 2005–2019
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Suicide in Colorado Complex Issues in a Diverse State
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Suicide in Guam, 2022 report by Guam State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) - Report
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Suicide Prevention Research Grants
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Suicide Prevention Resource Center: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
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Suicide Prevention Resource Centerʻs Lived Experience Advisory Committee Story
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Suicide Rates Among Asian American and Pacific Islander Youths—A Cause for Alarm
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Suicide Risk among Pacific Islander, American Indian, and Multiracial Youth
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Temporal Trends and Disparities in Suicidal Behaviors by Sex and Sexual Identity Among Asian American Adolescents
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The Connect Suicide Prevention Program
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The Greater Boston Regional Suicide Prevention Coalition
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The Trevor Project Hotline - (800) 788-7386 - thetrevorproject.org
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TransLifeline - 877-565-8860 - translifeline.org
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Understanding the impact of community on the experience of suicide within the Lao community: An expansion of the cultural model of suicide.
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Widening the Lens: Exploring the Role of Social Justice in Suicide Prevention – A Racial Equity Toolkit
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Trainings & Workshops
Conceptualizing a New System of Care in Hawai'i for Native Hawaiians and Substance Use - Webinar [2022]
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Creating Effective Suicide Prevention Strategies for the Hmong Community: We Are the Peace We Need. We Are Our Own Solutions
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Culturally Competent and Trauma-Informed Crisis Management
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E Hui Ana Nā Moku (The islands Shall Unite) A harm reduction toolkit for Native Hawaiian Communities (video)
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Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Belonging for Queer and Trans Pacific Islanders (QTPI)
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Hawai'i Health Data Warehouse | 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey - Webinar
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Improving Cultural Competency for Behavioral Health Professionals
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Mental Health First Aid
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Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network
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Mustard Seed Generation
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Navigating the Past, Present & Future Health of Pacific Islanders - Webinar
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Papa Ola Lōkahi - Ahupua‘a Model
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Papa Ola Lōkahi: Recovery and Substance Use Training Series
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Recovery & Substance Use - YouTube Videos
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The Connect Suicide Prevention Program
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Widening the Lens: Exploring the Role of Social Justice in Suicide Prevention – A Racial Equity Toolkit
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Workshop 1 of MI in July: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) & Motivational Interviewing as School Mental Health Providers
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ʻUlu State Disaster Response Cultural Training
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